acute coronary syndrome(acs)造句

"acute coronary syndrome(acs)"是什么意思   


  1. Study question : do presenting symptoms of acute coronary syndrome ( acs ) differ between men and women
  2. New york ( reuters health ) sept 13 - patients presenting with symptoms of acute coronary syndrome ( acs ) are less likely to develop new - onset atrial fibrillation ( af ) if they are being treated with a statin , study results suggest
    纽约9 . 13 -研究结果显示:具有急性冠脉综合征症状的患者如果应用他汀类药物,其新发房颤的可能性较小。
  3. It's difficult to find acute coronary syndrome(acs) in a sentence. 用acute coronary syndrome(acs)造句挺难的


  1. "acute corner"造句
  2. "acute coronary event"造句
  3. "acute coronary insufficiency"造句
  4. "acute coronary occlusion"造句
  5. "acute coronary syndrome"造句
  6. "acute coronary syndromes"造句
  7. "acute cough"造句
  8. "acute cyanide poisoning"造句
  9. "acute cystitis"造句
  10. "acute damage"造句

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